Financial counseling and assistance to help you through your crisis.

Money is the number one cause of family difficulties. The lack of it causes tremendous stress on the family. Managing your money can be a challenge. Especially when there is not enough to go around. When there is enough to go around and you still have trouble making ends meet then perhaps you need some advice on how to manage your finances. We can help.

A rise in crime is contributing to even more troubled families who are now having to cope with a family member in prison.

This foundation wishes to help stabilize the family in crisis and to provide meaningful opportunities for change. We focus on the dynamics of the family unit and the significant role that family relationships play to help offenders rebuild their lives. Our services are an important addition to the criminal justice system's own efforts to reduce crime and to prepare offenders to be productive members of their communities.

We offer career counseling services to help you with your future.

It is easy to feel sorry for yourself when life hands you a crisis. But you can turn that difficulty into an opportunity by rising above your troubles and looking for a chance to change for the better.

We can help you by giving you the resources and time necessary to achieve a new goal and a new path for your life.